Monster Inspector

Something for the kids:

Quail Creek Home Inspections

Moving can be tough on the whole family. Packing and unpacking, sometimes new jobs and new schools and let’s face it, just getting used to a new home can be stressful. If you have young kiddos there may be another issue that you have not thought of during this big move.  WHAT IF THERE ARE MONSTERS IN YOUR NEW HOME?!?!?

Quail Creek Home Inspections can help with this too. Through hours of training in dark attics, dirty crawlspaces, creepy closest and under messy beds, We are fully certified MONSTER INSPECTORS! We will go over every dark corner for your home and look for any evil thing that goes bump in the night. And when we are done with our monster inspection we will give you an official “Monster Free” certificate that you can share with your family. 

*Monster Inspection is free of charge with any Full Home Inspection.

*Please inform us if you would like a Monster Inspection certificate before the scheduled home inspection.


quail creek home inspections